Patent Registration - Taxonomy

Intellectual Property Registrations

Patent Registration

  1. Determine Patentability:
    Ensure that your invention is eligible for a patent. Not all inventions can be patented; the patent office typically grants patents for novel, non-obvious, and industrially applicable inventions.
  2. Prior Art Search:
    Conduct a thorough search to identify prior art and determine the novelty of your invention. This step helps in avoiding the submission of applications for inventions that lack novelty.
  3. Draft a Patent Application:
    Prepare a detailed and well-drafted patent application describing the invention, including its features, functions, and advantages.
  4. Filing the Application:
    Submit the patent application to the Indian Patent Office. You can file the application either online or in person. The application must include:
    • Request for grant of a patent.
    • Specification, including the abstract and drawings (if any).
    • The name, address, and nationality of the applicant.
    • The name of the inventor.
    • Details of the priority, if claimed.
  5. Publication:
    The patent application is usually published after 18 months from the filing date or the priority date, whichever is earlier. However, the applicant can request early publication.
  6. Examination:
    The patent office examines the application to ensure that it meets the patentability criteria. The examination process includes the examination of the patentability criteria, novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability.
  7. Grant of Patent:
    If the patent office is satisfied with the patentability of the invention, a patent is granted. The term of a patent in India is 20 years from the filing date.
  8. Maintenance and Renewal:
    Pay the maintenance fees to keep the patent in force. Non-payment of renewal fees may lead to the expiration of the patent.

Additional Points to Note:

  1. Patent Agents:
    It is advisable to hire a registered patent agent or attorney to help with the preparation and filing of the patent application. They are familiar with the legal requirements and procedures.
  2. International Applications:
    If you wish to protect your invention in multiple countries, you can consider filing an international patent application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) route.
  3. Timeline:
    The patent registration process can take several years, depending on various factors such as the complexity of the invention and the backlog at the patent office.


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